Monday, December 14, 2009

Around the Home – 10 No-Cost Tips for Saving Energy

Looking for fast, free ways to save on energy around the home this winter? According to Tom Kraeutler, host of the nationally-syndicated home improvement radio show, The Money Pit, there are many common-sense things you can do everyday in your home to lower energy bills.

Tip #1 – Lock your windows. Don’t just close them, but lock them to create an airtight seal that keeps out air leaks and drafts.

Tip #2 – Plug power-draining computers and electronic equipment into a power strip with a switch, so they can all be easily turned off when not in use.

Tip #3 – Turn off lights when leaving a room.

Tip #4 – Get free solar heat by opening the blinds and shades during the day.

Tip #5 – Chill out and do your laundry in cold water.

Tip #6 – Add a sweater and lower the thermostat. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you may be able to save 5% on heating costs.

Tip #7 – Run only full loads in your dishwasher.

Tip #8 – Remove lint often from your clothes dryer and its outside vent. And, run your dryer in the evening, when the extra heat helps warm your house.

Tip #9 – Close the doors (and the heating vents) in rooms with minimal use, like walk-in closets, laundry rooms and guest bedrooms, to reduce heat use in those areas.

Tip #10 – Snuggle up under more blankets at night and turn your heat down lower to reduce energy costs.

“Small things can add up to big energy savings in the home,” says Kraeutler. “You’ll be surprised to find your energy bills dropping by 20, 30 or more dollars each month when you consistently make the effort.”

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